Secular Ethics In Curriculum
The need for articulating and promoting Secular Ethics in society, and especially in education is not a luxury, but a matter of human survival. This need has a strong rationale behind it. Secular Ethics as a concept rests on two founding principles of 1) our common humanity 2) interdependence. But that is not all, for a program to be implemented successfully and be able to truly make an intervention in the existing education system, the intervention has to have a strong rationale and Secular Ethics does just that.
Various curriculums already developed, being revised and made from scratch all have these three pillars in common.
In fact the core books such as “ Ethics for The New Millennium( 1999) and “ beyond religion() where HH The Dalai Lama first made us feel the need of a concept such as Universal ethics or Secular Ethics or shared Human Inner Values have emphasised these 3 pillars to develop a strong rationale for Secular Ethics. These pillars are 1) common sense 2) common experience 3) scientific evidence. Because of this reason, the concept of Secular Ethics is universal in its nature and appeals to people of all faith or no faith at all. The concept focuses on Humanity more than anything else and before we belonging to any faith, race or gender first we all belong to our shared humanity.
Keeping such a focus in mind presently the pioneers in designing curriculums for age groups ranging from K-5, 6-12 and higher classes has been Centre for Contemplative Science and Compassion Based Ethics| Emory University| U.S.A.
Compassionate Schools Project Curriculum designed and implemented by Patricia Jennings, Ph.D, associate professor of Education at the Curry School of Education at the University of Virginia.
Sophie Langri and Tara Wilkie, both have together founded the Institute of Social Emotional Education, CS3- a K-8 curriculum. Also working as an SEL consultant with the Ministry of Education Quebec for the Grandes Rencontres project, which will give information to all schools in Quebec region about SEL.
Centre for Healthy Minds, University of Wisconsin- Madison; Kindness curriculum.
Ayur Gyan Nyas, India working towards implementing and designing Secular Ethics Curriculum in central and North India.
Tata Institute of Social Sciences- Secular Ethics in Higher education. A program designed for college students with special focus on leadership and social work, combining the practice of Secular Ethics in both Field work and beyond.
Please feel free to contact us to know more about upcoming and existing curriculums, their implementation and results throughout the world.