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Secular Ethics For School

The fundamental problem we face today in our educational system is that we are giving too much attention to the external, material aspects of life while neglecting moral ethics and inner values. Our inner lives are something we ignore and the problems we face in today’s world are the result of such a neglect. Helping children explore these inner values which are amongst each one of us and making use of them in their personal, social and communal lives is the main focus of bringing Secular Ethics in Education. And to do this is one of the necessities of our times and not so much a luxury.

To give few examples, the Secular Ethics Team in Tong-Len has launched an outreach program called Secular Ethics Yatra. Where a team of youth and educators visit one educational institute after the other and hold interactive workshops and sessions to together discover and explore Inner Human values. The method of learning by doing is employed to spread the message across and make students realise the benefits they can reap from the concept.

Another example is to hold joint painting or creative projects based on one inner value each week, monthly or however one finds suitable. The week and the month can be celebrated as the week of say, Kindness and many activities, creative expressions from children, maybe a skit etc can be prepared and performed. This will lead to the capacity building of students and would substantially add to the culture of the school. There are many more ways schools can reap the benefits from the concept of Secular Ethics other than following the curriculum.

Tibetan schools such as T.C.V, C.T.A and Tong-Len School are already implementing the curriculum and have started reaping the benefits of it. Schools in India which have already in various forms been studying the secular ideals of the nation are warming up to the idea of Secular Ethics and more and more are taking up the official curriculums and specially designed programs.

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