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The Secular Ethics approach helps us identify basic values that are important for individual and collective flourishing.  This is a vision that many thought leaders have/had in common including:

  • Mahatma Gandhi

  • H.H.Dalai Lama

  • Martin Luther King

  • Confucius

  • John Dewey

  • Aristotle and many more had/ have in common.


Educating the heart along with the mind has proven to be effective in many programs throughout the world and there is a strong knowledge base of academic papers, books, research and scientific evidence that substantiate this claim.


Closer to home, here are some of our success stories: 

MRIDUL- ExSecular Ethics Program Coordinator

“ I am writing on behalf of my entire workplace. On behalf of teachers, Our Director and wardens of the Hostel. 2 years ago before the Secular Ethics Education program was introduced, we still had some sort of ethical education imparted to students but because our students belong to different faiths and quite a few are non-believers, we were always perplexed as to what we should say and which ethics is much more important than the other. 

Nisha Kumari - Tong-Len Senior Student

Educating the heart along with the mind has proved quite effective in various programs throughout the world and there is a very strong knowledge base of scholarly papers, research papers and findings, even books that substantiate this claim. However, here we have few success stories or first-hand experiences that share how Secular Ethics as a concept has benefitted these individuals.


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