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A Tribute to His Holiness The 14th Dalai Lama on his 85th Birthday

6th July 2020


As a tribute to His Holiness the Dalai Lama on his 85th birthday, the secular ethics department of Tong-Len charitable Trust organised some activities to empower being kind with environment and helping the people in need by providing food. The activities were linked to the basic human values of helping others or being kind towards environment as well as people in need and these 2 activities are taken from 2 of the 5 dimensions from our kindness project.

We would like to wish you a very happy 85th birthday and may you live as long as almost 113 years as the prophecy or longer if possible and be able to fulfil all your commitments.

A total of 85 plants (13 trees and 72 flowers) were planted as a representation of His Holiness the Dalai Lama turning towards his 85th Birthday. The plants were planted inside Tong-Len campus. It was followed by a lunch in the slum community of Chetru, where almost 250 to 350 people were fed. The event was successful as it fulfilled the activities goal, sending out a message of importance of environment conservation and helping the needy or the message of kindness.

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